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on this page, and clicking the Submit Application button, you agree to receive text messages from Keurig Dr Pepper about your job application and other career opportunities. Consent to receive text messages is not required for the job application process. If you choose to receive text messages, the frequency of text messages will vary depending on career opportunities. Some of Keurig Dr Pepper's text messages are automated or may use an artificial or pre-recorded voice. Message and data rates may apply. You agree to receive text messages from us even if your telephone number is listed on one of our \"Do Not Call\" lists.", "questionId": "sms_disclaimer"}], "title": "Preferences"}, {"countries": ["United States", "US"], "questions": [{"type": "instruction", "label": "<p><b>Why are you being asked to complete this form?</b></p><p>This employer is a Government contractor subject to the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, as amended by the Jobs for Veterans Act of 2002, 38 U.S.C. 4212 (VEVRAA), which requires Government contractors to take affirmative action to employ and advance in employment: (1) disabled veterans; (2) recently separated veterans; (3) active duty wartime or campaign badge veterans; and (4) Armed Forces service medal veterans. These classifications are defined as follows:</p> <p>A "disabled veteran" is one of the following:</p> <p>A veteran of the U.S. military, ground, naval or air service who is entitled to compensation (or who but for the receipt of military retired pay would be entitled to compensation) under laws administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs; or</p> <p>A person who was discharged or released from active duty because of a service-connected disability.</p> <p>A "recently separated veteran" means any veteran during the three-year period beginning on the date of such veteran's discharge or release from active duty in the U.S. military, ground, naval, or air service.</p> <p>An "active duty wartime or campaign badge veteran" means a veteran who served on active duty in the U.S. military, ground, naval or air service during a war, or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge has been authorized under the laws administered by the Department of Defense.</p> <p>An "Armed forces service medal veteran" means a veteran who, while serving on active duty in the U.S. military, ground, naval or air service, participated in a United States military operation for which an Armed Forces service medal was awarded pursuant to Executive Order 12985.</p> <p>Protected veterans may have additional rights under USERRA—the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act. In particular, if you were absent from employment in order to perform service in the uniformed service, you may be entitled to be reemployed by your employer in the position you would have obtained with reasonable certainty if not for the absence due to service. For more information, call the U.S. Department of Labor's Veterans Employment and Training Service (VETS), toll-free, at 1-866-4-USA-DOL.</p>", "questionId": "Self_id_instructions"}, {"choices": [{"value": "Yes", "label": "I IDENTIFY AS ONE OR MORE OF THE CLASSIFICATIONS OF PROTECTED VETERAN LISTED ABOVE"}, {"value": "No", "label": "I AM NOT A PROTECTED VETERAN"}, {"value": "Opt Out", "label": "I DON'T WISH TO ANSWER"}], "type": "radio", "label": "<p>If you believe you belong to any of the categories of protected veterans listed above, please indicate by checking the appropriate box below. As a Government contractor subject to VEVRAA, we request this information in order to measure the effectiveness of the outreach and positive recruitment efforts we undertake pursuant to VEVRAA.</p>", "profileField": "custom_info.efcustom_text_q_veteran", "questionId": "q_veteran", "required": true}, {"type": "instruction", "label": "<p>Submission of this information is voluntary and refusal to provide it will not subject you to any adverse treatment. The information provided will be used only in ways that are not inconsistent with the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, as amended.<br /><br />The information you submit will be kept confidential, except that (i) supervisors and managers may be informed regarding restrictions on the work or duties of disabled veterans, and regarding necessary accommodations; (ii) first aid and safety personnel may be informed, when and to the extent appropriate, if you have a condition that might require emergency treatment; and (iii) Government officials engaged in enforcing laws administered by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, or enforcing the Americans with Disabilities Act, may be informed.</p> "}, {"type": "text-row", "questionId": "eeoc_signature", "label": "Signature", "required": true}, {"type": "date-today", "label": "Today's Date", "questionId": "eeocdate", "profileField": "custom_info.efcustom_text_q_eeocdate"}], "title": "VOLUNTARY SELF-IDENTIFICATION OF VETERAN STATUS"}, {"countries": ["United States", "US"], "questions": [{"type": "instruction", "label": "<p><b>EEO</b></p> <p>We are required to compile the following information for statistical purposes in order to comply with certain federal regulations relating to Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action requirements. The information you provide is strictly on a voluntary basis, and the content of the information will not affect your eligibility for employment. Likewise, if you choose not to provide this information it will not affect your eligibility for employment in any way.</p> <p>For your reference:</p> <p><b>•Hispanic or Latino</b> - A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race.</p> <p><b>•White (not Hispanic or Latino)</b> - A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.</p> <p><b>•Black or African American (not Hispanic or Latino)</b> - A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.</p> <p><b>•Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (not Hispanic or Latino)</b> - A person having origins in any of the peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.</p> <p><b>•Asian (not Hispanic or Latino)</b> - A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian Subcontinent, including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.</p> <p><b>•American Indian or Alaska Native (not Hispanic or Latino)</b> - A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America ), and who maintain tribal affiliation or community attachment.</p> <p><b>•Two or More Races (not Hispanic or Latino)</b> - A person who identifies with more than one of the following, as defined above: White; Black or African American; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; Asian; or American Indian or Alaska Native.</p> ", "questionId": "eeoinstruction"}, {"choices": [{"value": "Male", "label": "Male"}, {"value": "Female", "label": "Female"}, {"value": "Opt Out", "label": "Opt Out"}], "type": "dropdown", "questionId": "gender", "label": "<p><b>Voluntary Information</b></p><p>Gender</p>", "profileField": "gender", "required": true}, {"choices": [{"value": "Non Hispanic or Latino", "label": "Non Hispanic or Latino"}, {"value": "Hispanic or Latino", "label": "Hispanic or Latino"}, {"value": "Opt Out", "label": "Opt Out"}], "questionId": "ethnicity", "type": "dropdown", "label": "Ethnicity", "profileField": "custom_info.efcustom_text_ethnicity", "required": true}, {"choices": [{"value": "White", "label": "White"}, {"value": "Black or African American", "label": "Black or African American"}, {"value": "Asian", "label": "Asian"}, {"value": "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander", "label": "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander"}, {"value": "Hispanic or Latino", "label": "Hispanic or Latino"}, {"value": "American Indian or Alaska Native", "label": "American Indian or Alaska Native"}, {"value": "Two or More Races", "label": "Two or More Races"}, {"value": "Opt Out", "label": "Opt Out"}], "type": "dropdown", "questionId": "race", "label": "Race", "profileField": "custom_info.efcustom_text_race", "required": true}], "title": "EEO"}, {"countries": ["United States", "US"], "questions": [{"type": "instruction", "label": "<p><b>Why are you being asked to complete this form?</b></p> <p>We are a federal contractor or subcontractor. The law requires us to provide equal employment opportunity to qualified people with disabilities. We have a goal of having at least 7% of our workers as people with disabilities. The law says we must measure our progress towards this goal. To do this, we must ask applicants and employees if they have a disability or have ever had one. People can become disabled, so we need to ask this question at least every five years.</p><p>Completing this form is voluntary, and we hope that you will choose to do so. Your answer is confidential. No one who makes hiring decisions will see it. Your decision to complete the form and your answer will not harm you in any way. If you want to learn more about the law or this form, visit the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) website at <a href=www.dol.gov/ofccp' target='_blank' style='color:blue;text-decoration:underline'>www.dol.gov/ofccp</a>.</p>", "questionId": "disabilityinstruction"}, {"type": "instruction", "label": "<p><b>How do you know if you have a disability?</b></p><p>A disability is a condition that substantially limits one or more of your “major life activities.” If you have or have ever had such a condition, you are a person with a disability. Disabilities include, but are not limited to:<br>\n <br>\n• Alcohol or other substance use disorder (not currently using drugs illegally)<br>\n• Autoimmune disorder, for example, lupus, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, HIV/AIDS<br>\n• Blind or low vision<br>\n• Cancer (past or present)<br>\n• Cardiovascular or heart disease<br>\n• Celiac disease<br>\n• Cerebral palsy<br>\n• Deaf or serious difficulty hearing<br>\n• Diabetes<br>\n• Disfigurement, for example, disfigurement caused by burns, wounds, accidents, or congenital disorders<br>\n• Epilepsy or other seizure disorder<br>\n• Gastrointestinal disorders, for example, Crohn's Disease, irritable bowel syndrome<br>\n• Intellectual or developmental disability<br>\n• Mental health conditions, for example, depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, PTSD<br>\n• Missing limbs or partially missing limbs<br>\n• Mobility impairment, benefiting from the use of a wheelchair, scooter, walker, leg brace(s) and/or other supports<br>\n• Nervous system condition, for example, migraine headaches, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis (MS)<br>\n• Neurodivergence, for example, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder, dyslexia, dyspraxia, other learning disabilities<br>\n• Partial or complete paralysis (any cause)<br>\n• Pulmonary or respiratory conditions, for example, tuberculosis, asthma, emphysema<br>\n• Short stature (dwarfism)<br>\n• Traumatic brain injury</p>", "questionId": "disabilityinstruction2"}, {"choices": [{"value": "Yes", "label": "Yes, I have a disability, or have had one in the past"}, {"value": "No", "label": "No, I do not have a disability and have not had one in the past"}], "type": "radio", "questionId": "disability", "label": "<p><b>Please check one of the boxes below:</b></p>", "profileField": "custom_info.efcustom_text_disability", "required": true}, {"type": "instruction", "label": "<p>PUBLIC BURDEN STATEMENT: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. This survey should take about 5 minutes to complete.</p>", "questionId": "disabilityinstruction3"}, {"type": "text-row", "questionId": "disability_signature", "label": "Signature", "required": true}, {"type": "date-today", "label": "Today's Date", "questionId": "eeocdate2", "profileField": "custom_info.efcustom_text_q_eeocdate2"}], "title": "Voluntary Self-Identification of Disability"}, {"questions": [{"choices": [{"value": "0", "label": "0% (Not willing to travel) "}, {"value": "1", "label": "Up to 25%"}, {"value": "2", "label": "Up to 50% "}, {"value": "3", "label": "Up to 75%"}, {"value": "4", "label": "Up to 100% "}], "type": "dropdown", "questionId": "q_14", "profileField": "custom_info.efcustom_text_q_14", "label": "Please indicate your willingness to travel.", "required": true}, {"choices": [{"value": "1", "label": "Yes, I am currently on a contract/temporary assignment or have worked in the past on a contract/temporary assignment for a Keurig Dr Pepper Brand"}, {"value": "0", "label": "No, I have not worked on a contract/temporary assignment for any of Keurig Dr Pepper's brands"}], "type": "dropdown", "choicesSortOrder": "descending", "questionId": "q_29", "profileField": "custom_info.efcustom_text_q_29", "label": "Are you currently or have you in the past worked on a contract or temporary assignment with Keurig Dr Pepper Inc.? (Examples include, but are not limited to: Dr Pepper, Snapple, 7-Up, Motts, Bai, Keurig, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Van Houtte Coffee Services, etc.)", "required": true}, {"choices": [{"value": "2", "label": "Yes - KGM / Keurig Canada"}, {"value": "1", "label": "Yes - DPSG & affiliates"}, {"value": "0", "label": "No"}], "type": "dropdown", "choicesSortOrder": "descending", "questionId": "q_30", "profileField": "custom_info.efcustom_text_q_30", "label": "Are you currently or have you ever worked as an employee for one of our companies? (Examples include, but are not limited to: Dr Pepper, Snapple, 7-Up, Motts, Bai, Keurig, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Van Houtte Coffee Services, etc.)", "required": true}, {"choices": [{"value": "1", "label": "Yes"}, {"value": "0", "label": "No"}], "type": "dropdown", "choicesSortOrder": "descending", "questionId": "q_31", "profileField": "custom_info.efcustom_text_q_31", "label": "Do you have any family members already working for Keurig Dr Pepper Inc.?", "required": true}, {"choices": [{"value": "1", "label": "Yes"}, {"value": "0", "label": "No"}], "postedFor": ["internal"], "type": "dropdown", "choicesSortOrder": "descending", "questionId": "q_32", "profileField": "custom_info.efcustom_text_q_32", "label": "Have you received any written disciplinary action or been placed on a corrective action plan within the past 12 months?", "required": true}, {"choices": [{"value": "1", "label": "Yes"}, {"value": "0", "label": "No"}], "postedFor": ["internal"], "type": "dropdown", "choicesSortOrder": "descending", "questionId": "q_33", "label": "Have you informed your manager that you are applying for a new position? (Your manager will be notified when you apply.)", "profileField": "custom_info.efcustom_text_q_33", "required": true}, {"choices": [{"value": "1", "label": "Yes"}, {"value": "0", "label": "No"}], "postedFor": ["internal"], "type": "text", "choicesSortOrder": "descending", "questionId": "q_35", "label": "How long have you been employed in your current position? Note: To be considered for a new position, you should be in your current position for at least 6 months (for hourly roles) or 12 months (for salaried roles).", "profileField": "custom_info.efcustom_text_q_35", "required": true}, {"choices": [{"value": "1", "label": "Yes"}, {"value": "0", "label": "No"}], "type": "dropdown", "choicesSortOrder": "descending", "questionId": "q_208", "label": "Are you 18 years of age or older?", "profileField": "custom_info.efcustom_text_q_208", "required": true}], "title": "Candidate Questions"}], "questionnaire": {"questionnaireId": null, "questionDependencies": [{"questionId": "campus_source1", "questionSource": "smart_apply_config", "choiceValue": "Association/Membership", "childQuestionIds": ["campus_association"]}, {"questionId": "campus_source1", "questionSource": "smart_apply_config", "choiceValue": "College/University", "childQuestionIds": ["campus_college"]}, {"questionId": "campus_source1", "questionSource": "smart_apply_config", "choiceValue": 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